
Initial Research Pathway

1. For the research, our team choose AlterG Treadmill as the topic to research. 2. We first went to their official website to research about the technologies they are using and we found out that they are using NASA Differential Air Pressure (DAP) technology. 3. We use gAI(Chatgpt) to generate the features and functions. The prompt was "tell me about NASA Differential Air Pressure (DAP) technology features and functions in AlterG Treadmill" 4. We use gAI(Chatgpt) to ask of any of their competitor also uses DAP technology. The prompt was "does AlterG treadmill have any competitor in this market that also uses DAP technology?"

Introduction, Communication Skills and Module Goals.

Dear Professor Blackstone, My name is Ng Zi Long Justin, and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. In this letter, I will provide an overview of my educational background, communication strengths and challenges, and the goals I aim to achieve throughout this module. I graduated from Temasek Polytechnic (TP) in 2022 with a diploma in Aerospace Electronics. My passion for the aerospace industry began when I was 14, after my father, who works as an Aerospace Technician, brought home an old black box. That experience ignited my curiosity, and I have been captivated by the field ever since. While my background is in Aerospace Electronics, I chose to pursue Mechanical Engineering at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) to broaden my knowledge and explore career opportunities beyond electronics. One of my key communication challenges is public speaking. I occasionally experience slight stuttering, which sometimes makes me concerned about delivering my message clear

The Critical Role of Communication in Engineering Education

 “Without clear lines of communication, our ideas would stay within our own small development teams instead of becoming mature products. While this is obvious to those of us who have become experienced engineers, the real question is: Why is it lost to us when we are engineering students?” Akbar R Khan, Software Systems Engineer, USA, “Good Communication Is Essential...” (2014) What I understood from this quote is that without proper communication—such as voicing or presenting your ideas to larger companies to secure sponsors or investors—these ideas will remain just ideas instead of becoming mature products. As for "why is this lost to us when we are engineering students?", I believe it’s due to differences in the environment and teaching between experienced engineers and engineering students. As students, we often share our ideas only within our own project groups and lack the support to present them to larger companies. In contrast, experienced engineers not only have thei